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Carly Fiorina: None of the candidates Are qualified to run a corporation

So says Carly.

History shows us though, the neither was Carly, who was a failure as HP Chairman/CEO.

McCain should never had brought her on as an adviser. I have no idea what he was thinking.

I like to think she is saying:
Mr. Purpleslog, It depends what you mean by “failure”.

3 Responses

  1. There probably is an amount of disconnect between running a large company and running a nation.

    I think it can’t hurt McCain to have a backer like Fiorina. She’s clearly a smart woman and she managed HP well enough, orchestrating that compaq merger.

  2. Classy rebuttal.

  3. Kolchak333..I am deleting the disgusting comments by “sookie Beelau” who is new to my blog.

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