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Wow! PJ Media Commenter Winslow’s “The Sixth of November”:



The Sixth of November

Remember, remember, this sixth of November,
The radicals’ treasonous plot.
I know of no reason the radicals’ treason
Should e’er be forgiv’n or forgot.

The Sixties were waning, and Leftists were claiming
That radical changes were due.
Their Marxist solution was armed revolution:
The Weathermen made their debut.

The radicals raged on the national stage, and
Horrific explosions ensued.
Their bombs were dramatic, but also erratic;
They sometimes killed radicals, too.

The Leftists grew older, the underground, colder,
And so they came in from the cold.
“Subvert from within – in the long run, we’ll win,” said
The Leftists, determined and bold.

And thus it began – this nefarious plan – and
The radicals slowly took charge:
Complete infiltration of all education;
The long institutional march.

The journalist schools would produce useful fools, for
The Left would need media shills.
And Hollywood, too, would assist in the coup, with
Its slick propagandizing skills.

“Community action” would build a new faction;
’Twould organize proles on the street.
A smooth politician would front for the mission,
And run for the president’s seat.

The radicals’ goal, which they proudly extol, is
A communist U.S. of A.
Collectivist schemes lead to brutal regimes, and
For this do the radicals pray.

But Jefferson’s aim, with the charters he framed, was
To guard individual rights.
And “redistribution” was not a solution,
But one of the evils to fight.

So let us remember, this sixth of November,
Just what is at stake on this date.
Will Jefferson’s dream, or the radicals’ scheme, now
Determine America’s fate?


He gets it.

4 Responses

  1. Would this guy know a communist if it bit him? And does he realize (or care) that he’s comparing the Democrats to a guy who wanted to assassinate his country’s parliament?

  2. “And does he realize (or care) that he’s comparing the Democrats to a guy who wanted to assassinate his country’s parliament?”

    I took that to be just using the rhyming/phrasing not suggesting they a new Guy Gawkes.

    As far .”Would this guy know a communist if it bit him”, I imagine yes.Most folks are pretty blind to them though.

  3. Problem is such accusations sound an awful lot like the accusations of fascism against Bush-II-era Republicans, especially when one compares Obama’s policies with those of other 1st World countries and his own Republican predecessors.

    As for this gentleman’s choice of poems to emulate, there is by no stretch of the imagination a shortage of alternatives that were not written about explosives-loving assassins. Choosing as he has by sheer coincidence is highly improbable.

  4. >>Problem is such accusations sound an awful lot like the accusations of fascism against Bush-II-era Republicans, especially when one compares Obama’s policies with those of other 1st World countries and his own Republican predecessors.

    I doubt Bush had any actual fascists in his administration. There really are not any in mainstream American politics.

    Marxists on the other hand are all around. Call them folk Marxists, near Marxists or crypto-Marxists. At least two primetime MSNBC self identify as such. At least one overt communist (Van Jones) worked in the White House staff. The SecState wrote her college thesis approvingly on a communists (the same communist whose org later trained Obama in Community Organizing).

    While there should be a stigma with being a xMarxist, with the maturing of the baby boom generation the stigma of being a folk-Marxists/near-Marxists/crypto-Marxists/Marxists has declined and the influence of the same in US power institutions has increased.

    In my own city, the teacher’s union (MPS) elected an overt Communist as the union president. It didn’t make the TV or print news. Maybe it was on local radio news, but I don’t follow radio much so I don’t know. I think it was just considered to not be a big deal (none of my teacher friends think it is).

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