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Michelle Collins Hosted Red Eye Last Night…

…and showed how hard it is to be a host.

She is a good guest and guest ombudsman, but as a host she was lacking. She couldn’t pull the guests into the conservations. She seemed to run out of questions. There were uncomfortable pauses. She seemed not hear all that the guests were saying.

Most importantly, when interviewing the 41-hours-stuck-in-an-elevator-guy, she did not ask about him going #1 or #2!

She showed what a good host Greg Gutfeld is on Red Eye.

Red Eye

BTW, I think Julie Banderas would make a good guest host.

Red Eyes’s Anna Gilligan, Quaker Camp, and the Fifth Freedom…

…that would be the “Freedom from Clothing”.

Here are snippets parts 1 and 2:

Here is snippet part 3 from a few weeks later:

“Sex With Robots May Not Be All It’s Made Out To Be”

Red Eye is my favorite late night TV show. It just cracks me up.

Red Eye