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“even believers in the ‘domino theory’ did not expect to see the Viet Cong fighting in San Francisco”

The article might be correct. In San Francisco they would have been welcomed as liberators by a large part of the population.

Seriously though. Afghanistan is not Vietnam. Islamofascism is not Maoism. Mountains are not jungles and rice patties. The 1960’s and 1970’s are over. 60k troops are not 500k. Pakistan is not China nor is it the Soviet Union.

Perhaps though, Americans of today are not the Americans of yesterday.

The defeatism in the article is disgusting. It would appear the leftist media is prepping the mental battle space for an American withdrawal from and defeat in Afghanistan:

And what is troubling is that no one in the outgoing or incoming administration has been able to say what the additional troops are for, except as a kind of tourniquet to staunch the bleeding while someone comes up with a strategy that has a chance of working. The most uncomfortable question is whether any strategy will work at this point.

3 Responses

  1. Seriously though. Afghanistan is not Vietnam. Islamofascism is not Maoism. Mountains are not jungles and rice patties. The 1960’s and 1970’s are over. 60k troops are not 500k. Pakistan is not China nor is it the Soviet Union.

    yes, but America is America, purple. And America must be brought down with fire and the sword, for the good of all humanity.

  2. Thought the same. These arguments were plausible in 2005 and 2006 when they referred to Iraq. But I hear the same things again today about the ‘Stan. At least come up with new criticisms that aren’t recyclable.

  3. I think a signal wil lbe if Team O stops the cross-border predator strikes. If they do, then we wil lbe out by the end of 2010.

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